Samza Round-Up - 10/6/2022

Samza Round-Up - 10/6/2022

This Week's Round-Up

In this week's edition of the Samza Round-Up, I broadened the subject material again, including an article about the general economic condition, a note about financial independence in the younger generation, and some useful applications for tracking personal finances. Enjoy!

The Best Personal Finance Software for 2022

I always find these kinds of lists helpful; this article lists out 10 awesome platforms for budgeting, net worth tracking, and generally smart financial planning. It used to be that these types of applications were not available to the general public. Now? You can download a fully integrated expense tracker that automatically classifies your expenses and revenues so you know where you can improve. If you don't already use one or more of these, you should. I peronsally use Mint and Personal Capital.

How Gen Z Is Stepping Into Financial Independence

It seems like most Boomer news reporters only focus on the irresponsibility of Gen Z, but this article comes from a different perspective. The piece outlines a few things:

  • Gen Z'ers are the most financially literate generation ever recorded, according to a number of recent financial surveys.

  • The generation possesses the least confidence in their financial literacy.

  • 48% of women and 60% of men in the age range of 18-25 hold investments.

  • Although they are well-educated, Gen Z carries significant debt, seeing the greatest debt growth during 2020-2021.

There's no financial advice here, just some interesting facts about the generation who is soon to rise to power.

Amazon Sends Chilly Signs About the Economy

The eCommerce giant Amazon froze hiring across its retail division. This is especially shocking considering the calendar just recently flipped into Q4, easily the busiest time of year for the company and it's shipments. Alphabet and Meta also decided to undertake aggressive cost-cutting methods, including dissolving teams and high-leverage projects.

Don't listen to those saying otherwise: the economy is not in a good place.

Idea of the Week - DoorDash/Swagbucks

Want $100 for 30 minutes of light work? Check out this deal from Swagbucks. Sign up as a DoorDash driver with the code in this link, and complete your first delivery. As soon as you do, you'll get a 10,000 "Swagbuck" reward, which is equivalent to $100 on Amazon or PayPal. I just did this: it works.

I know it's a one-time deal and not an ongoing way to make money, but come on: $100 for less than an hour is good, unless you're Jeff Bezos.

Podcast of the Week - The Money Guy Show

I really like this show. I found it just last week (suggested by the almighty Spotify algo) and have been listening back to a number of different shows they've done in the past few weeks. Some of my favorites included their discussion on whether money buys happiness, dumb financial decisions Americans make, and debunking "passive" income.

Check it out!

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